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Using Visual Studio 2019 to modify example NVSE code?


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Righty, finally got round to doing this. I've downloaded the NVSE source code along with the example plugin, and opened the solution with VS Community 2019. It threw three errors saying that the .vc9project files need to be migrated. Clicked yes and all that, now it opens up in Visual Studio. But there's errors abound: https://i.imgur.com/0be31ht.png


There any reason for that? I assume it's because the NVSE source code was built with VS 2010, so there's incompatibilities with the newer IDEs.


Edit: Figured it out. For some reason, the dependency structure breaks convention, with the project relying on .cpp files in a different folder rather than in a subfolder. Re-downloaded NVSE's source, kept the same structure, and now there's no errors at first glance.

Edited by FiftyTifty
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