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[LE] I'm currently working on a puzzle with three possible solutions, however I am not sure how I should go about it

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I am a complete newcomer and I have recently started working on the first dungeon I am determined to finish. It's probably a stupid idea, however I have been trying to make my project very ambitious in order to learn as much as possible through a singular project and create the type of content I enjoy seeing myself.
It has been going well so far, but now that I have hit the before mentioned puzzle I am not quite sure how I should continue and since I coudn't find any answers on the internet and I was hoping someone could help me or at least give me a couple of tips.

The basic layout of the puzzle starts with a Big Hall that goes three ways, each of with have the solution of one of its walls. These Halls lead into a room that houses the three pillars lever and secret doors that eventually lead towards the reward rooms and their chests.
I know that my problem lies in the default Puzzle Pillar script, the "solveState" property to be exact. I'd assume that I need to change this property somehow in order for it to allow multiple answers that link to different doors, however I am not really sure how I can do that.

If anyone can give me a shove in the right direction or give me a fix I'd be very grateful. It would be a shame if I had to scrap the puzzle, since it is by far the most unique part of my project.

Thank you in advance!

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The way how the Pilar's scripts are made they allow only one solution :



This can be done, but, to make the Puzzle Pillars have multiple solutions, will required to make both script custom, create your own scripts.

A quick solution is to add more Puzzle pillars, if you want 3 different solutions, then add 9 Pillars, each group of 3 with its own solution and link to activate.

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