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Okay, so this is something I wish we could do in the vanilla game, and it saddens me that we can't. So, when the community center is completed and JojaMart shuts down, I'm going to feel bad for putting Shane and Sam out of a job.

I want to see a mod where you can employ those two to help you work on your farm. You can assign them to either temporary jobs or permanent jobs (I like the idea of having Shane just... Take care of the chickens all the time). They can work for you all week, and come Friday, you can pay them for their work. This is of course assuming you have a steady income and can spare a couple grand a week. I personally would want to pay them 5000 each, but that's me.

They can work mon-fri from 9-5. They'll wander around your farm, helping make your chores easier. They have a job, you get help on the farm at the cost of ????g a week, and Shane, the recovering alcoholic, doesn't have to resort of working at the saloon.

If someone can make this mod or tell me an easy way to make this mod (I don't know how to even begin to make a mod), I would love to see this. I can even write some sort of script, write out cutscenes, make a list of character-exclusive chores, dialogue, whatever needed.

And maybe the longer they work for you, the better trained they are in that 'field' and will produce gold or iridium quality products. And if you move them, they will still be highly qualified in previous fields.

I could go on, but this has gone long enough. Please help me make this a thing

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The issue with this is that the Farm areas don't allow NPC movement except for the front of your house (specifically for events). All schedules that would cause someone to enter the farm area will teleport them to the next area. Your spouse won't even walk there they go from busstop to the inside of the house x3

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