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First and third person view height with giants mod


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I am making a mod (which I will never post on the nexus. It's for my own personal use as well as close friends only) that is based on the imperial but twice as big and 3 times as heavy and strong. My main problem that I am having is that despite the height of the race, both the first and third person views still persist on being at the exact same height as before. (Note that I never had this problem before when making a race of giants in Oblivion)


The weird thing is that when I create a race of people that are half the size of imperials the camera actually adjusts itself to be lower. Why is that?


Why would it adjust for a smaller race but not larger? Is there anyway to fix that?

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I took the original skeleton file and changed its size to double the original height and used the custom skeleton for the race while all the other vanilla races still retain the original skeleton. First person view still remains the same but third person view now has it so it seems my character in the floor/ground itself without actually being able to see the character themselves.

Edited by rapcoa
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