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Blooming Modder


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So I've decided that the allure of creating Oblivion mods is catching me like a swift fever, and I've decided to give it a shot. I unfortunately don't have internet access where I'll be making the mods (my own house) and so I'm downloading utilities and tutorials now. I want to ask you guys if you think there's anything vital I'm missing from this list of utilities.


First, my main goals with modding.


#1 - Mod stats on items, including price and possibly name. For this in particular I simply want to modify the addons I have now to my own liking. Big time spelling fixes to be specific.


#2 - Considering merging some mods to consolidate them for conveniences sake, of course leaving proper credits.


#3 - Study the current ESP files I have... Particularly interested in this.


#4 - Add dungeons using stock graphics, not interested in adding custom models at the moment.


Downloaded Utilities

- Construction Set + ReadMe (Latest Version)

- TES4view 1.2.43

- Wyre Bash

- Oblivion Mod Makers Manual


If you think I need more utilities (specifically ones that will help me accomplish my goals), tell me so, and also reading material would be FANTASTIC. Any tutorials that I can download or put into a text file would be awesome, since I don't have internet where I will be doing my mod.




I'm going to be buying a new graphics card soon. I can order off of the internet, but I would greatly prefer buying in person from a store, like BestBuy. My limit is 150 dollars, this includes shipping and handling if from the internet. I want a nice one, that can at least handle Oblivion and WoW with decent framerates. I'm nmore concered with making Oblivion run smoothly with the graphics pumped. If there are no options at this price range, I can go up to 200 clams, but please, make suggestions even if it's over 150, I just don't know where to start looking. BTW my computer is fairly good quality, should be able to handle higher end graphics cards.

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