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Difficult foes


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Is there a mod which increases the deadliness of the enemies, or even one which introduces new villians that put up a good fight?


The thing is I have the community cap unlocker mod and now find myself getting close to level 300 on certain skills such a one handed and block, whilst I remember Wars in Skyrm once added "heroes and villians" it also added a few bugs as well as other features that didn't particular interest me.


Any suggestions are welcome. :)

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If you do not already use it Deadly Dragons has configuration options to increase a number of base stats(armor,health,stamina,magicka etc) for not only dragons but NPCs and monsters too - basically just about anything you would want to stick a sword/axe/arrow/dagger into.Just beware that changes made will only apply after the next cell reset.
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now find myself getting close to level 300 on certain skills


So what you're saying is your character is basically a god now and you can't find other gods to fight. Have you considered you may have ventured too far down the path? Maybe it is time to wrap up open questlines and start a new character, perhaps with skyrim redone and morrowloot installed to make life hard on yourself (and to keep things interesting) :)


Other than the deadly dragons suggestion by the above poster (which has a menu option where you can make them really deadly and/or have several attack you at once), nothing much else comes to mind, sorry.

Edited by acidzebra
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