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New npc for all games


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Mysterious bubble man

This npc is always in a indestructible bubble can't been seen walking, has mudcrabs to carry him when he says mudcrabs March, makes references to all forms of media from games to movies and tv shows, large amounts of exposition some useful some not, brakes the forth wall constantly, real name is noble but has random names through out the games, must be put into Skyrim, greatest fear is heights, is the strongest character but his greatest weakness can't walk, gives out bubbles of all kinds form shields to gum and soap, also very forgetful constantly forgets he is wearing pants, has a immortal wife that randomly dances named loco the only one who can pop the bubble, every sentence spoke wrong the wife corrects him, if installed he will f*#@ up your character based on the level of insult and remembers it, he is a shapeshifter that changes appearance based on a game he is in, favorite line let me tell you a story, potato companion that speaks to him.

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