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Adding Power to PC?


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Quick question... I figured out how to create a new power (the ability that can be used once a day) but I have no idea how to then give that to a PC player. I am trying to re-create the Moonshadow ability of Oblivion that let you turn invisible for 60 sec once a day. I made teh power, but I can't seem to link it to my PC. Also, would I need to start a new PC for it to take effect, or will it show up on already existing ones? I am doing an LP of the game, and need to add the ability to an already made character.


Thanks in advance!! :)


Edit: If anyone wants to answer it will still be helpful to know, but I found a work around. I just made the ability a perk and added it to the stealth skill tree. Works like a charm ;)

Edited by squee913
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