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That effin Crippled limb icon top right!


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So ive recently moved to Vortex and updated all my mods (165 of them) as i re-installed, once playing again i soon got a crippled limb for my head, which results in 25% of my f-ing screen taken up with a guy walking with a bandage round his head in the top right hand corner!!!


Given im playing survival mode with "easy heal" disables i could be crippled for some time, Im having problems getting into the game with this damm poster of my injury spilt all over the screen, its pointless i have a pip-boy for status!!!


So "immersive hud" does nothing and does not give me the option to remove, DEF_UI does not work period....


Please tell me there is a way to get rid of it altogether??



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When you installed def ui there is a file in your fallout 4 that will help set up how you want your ui to look, that can be reverted to the defaults. Once you save the new ui info file that gets moved into the needed directory where that same file is. Look in the interface folder under data. Def ui site has the usage process detailed there.
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