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Serana's Face is darker than her body


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Hi folks!


Is my computer system at fault for Serana's face being considerably darker that her body when using any and all of the "Serana Face Change Mods" out there?


Just for reference I am using the following face and body mods:


1.) Cleinte [CBBE] Female Body BBE V1

2.) Blocky Face no More

3.) Official CBBE Face Pace 1-2

4.) Pretty Lips

5.) Joseph Anthony Lip Gloss

6.) CBBE Darker Feminine Eyebrows

7.) Eyes of Beauty

8.) Apachii Sky Hair

9.) HighRes 4k CBBE nude female body


Looking forward to hearing from you. Thanks.






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It's well know that mod that edit Npc's will trigger this bug, IF* the modder have not include the proper face tint and the new facegen mesh in the files...

But looking at all the mod that change npc's face that you are using, i guess it's simply a conflict between the face of Serena mod, and one of those you have already !



Edited by reaper9111
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It's well know that mod that edit Npc's will trigger this bug, IF* the modder have not include the proper face tint and the new facegen mesh in the files...

But looking at all the mod that change npc's face that you are using, i guess it's simply a conflict between the face of Serena mod, and one of those you have already !





You are no doubt correct in your assumption. Thank you. I did find one that comes closer to the rest of Serana's body tint. What happens too is that some modders use covergirl or Bella's facegens. I have tried all of them, but I lean toward what CBBE has to offer. I like a younger looking facegen as appose to Skyrims old, hard lived, wrinkly dirty faces. After over thirteen hundred hours of play I guess I am just not all that lore friendly. Finally, as I think about it, depending upon the lighting within the game faces do change, both in tint and in overall looks. I guess i just comes down to : "What can you do? It is what it is! You just can't have perfection."


Again, I do appreciate your feedback. Thank you.



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It's well know that mod that edit Npc's will trigger this bug, IF* the modder have not include the proper face tint and the new facegen mesh in the files...

But looking at all the mod that change npc's face that you are using, i guess it's simply a conflict between the face of Serena mod, and one of those you have already !





You are no doubt correct in your assumption. Thank you. I did find one that comes closer to the rest of Serana's body tint. What happens too is that some modders use covergirl or Bella's facegens. I have tried all of them, but I lean toward what CBBE has to offer. I like a younger looking facegen as appose to Skyrims old, hard lived, wrinkly dirty faces. After over thirteen hundred hours of play I guess I am just not all that lore friendly. Finally, as I think about it, depending upon the lighting within the game faces do change, both in tint and in overall looks. I guess i just comes down to : "What can you do? It is what it is! You just can't have perfection."


Again, I do appreciate your feedback. Thank you.



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That aint true man, i'm a cbbe user as well an i use the coolest HiRes texture for body and face as well and i do not get this discoloration... (With anyone...)

What i meant upthere was that, if you can make sure each mod you have installed do not change her face, than she should look fine....

If she looks fine, only than you can install a facelift for her...


The best way to get things done, is by doing them yourself friend.... Go in CK and edit her, when she look the way you want, select her in the Character's drop down list (highlight her ID) (In the list) than press Ctrl + F4, wait and a message will popup saying if you want to export her new face, clic yes... Once you clic yes, wait for it to finish, a messagewill popup again saying it has been done ! (this can take a momment)...


By doing this yourself, you make sure that she has the latest FaceGen and FaceTint, than activate the .esp and enjoy her new look without discoloration !


Best of luck !


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That aint true man, i'm a cbbe user as well an i use the coolest HiRes texture for body and face as well and i do not get this discoloration... (With anyone...)

What i meant upthere was that, if you can make sure each mod you have installed do not change her face, than she should look fine....

If she looks fine, only than you can install a facelift for her...


The best way to get things done, is by doing them yourself friend.... Go in CK and edit her, when she look the way you want, select her in the Character's drop down list (highlight her ID) (In the list) than press Ctrl + F4, wait and a message will popup saying if you want to export her new face, clic yes... Once you clic yes, wait for it to finish, a messagewill popup again saying it has been done ! (this can take a momment)...


By doing this yourself, you make sure that she has the latest FaceGen and FaceTint, than activate the .esp and enjoy her new look without discoloration !


Best of luck !





Wow! Thanks for the instructions. And, you are right; I really do need to create my own companion character. It just seems rather intimidating. Then again, it is something that takes loads of patience to learn. I guess being retired at 65 I have plenty of time to learn. Thanks again. I would love to create an Amazon Race as there is a book somewhere in Skyrim that speaks of an all women race. So technically they would would be lore friendly.

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65, seriously, i would never guess it !


Indeed friend, plenty of time to learn, learning is a life time process, isn't it ? lol

I'll tell you what, back in Oblivion, when i first started to mod, it was very intimidating, but... once you really want something done, nothing can stop you, just like real life !


Many tutorials on many things mate... I personnaly won't recommand to create a new race right away, specially in skyrim, they are a bit tricky...

But i can sure recommand to start editing your current follower... (you know, start with the basic, and keep go bigger as the experiance grow...


- Open up CK

- Click the folder icon, and tyk / check Skyrim.esm than clic ok

- Clic on Ignore / Don't care on any popup message from now on... there should be around 5 or 6...

- Wait for the CK to load everything, once it's done (this can take a few second up to a minute, depending on your system)

- Once it's done you have 4 window open, the CreationKit background, the Render window, the Object window and the Cell view

That's where it start to be intimidating... lol


- Don't panic, go to the Object window, under Actor, expend it (3 times), clic on Nord Race than, female, now in the filter, write "Housecarl"...

- A new list will appear with only the housecarl of the game (5 i think), Including the Over modded Lydia... (HousecarlWhiterun), doubleclic on the id, it will open a new window

- Navigate this new window (using the 2 lil black arrow on the right upper side) till you can see Character Gen Parts & Chracter Gen Morph,

- On the bottom of this same window, check the preview box "Head", notice, you can now see lydia's face... now, back to Character Gen Parts & Chracter Gen Morph... mess around with stuff, again, you can always go and read more information about what does what... But this is where you change the look of a character...

- Once your done, clic ok at the bottom of the same window...

- Now Before saving, remember to always, (when no external window are open, beside Objects, Cells and Render), highlight the ID "HousecarlWhiterun" in the Object window, then press Ctrl +F4... Say yes... wait for the message that it has been correctly done...

- Now go to files (CK background) and save it will ask you to give a name to this change,

call it "MyFirstCKMessAround", than clic ok... it will save this new .esp... now do as usual, with this .esp... check it to see you change in game...



Now go in game and look at your mess...lol (once you activated this .esp)

Remember you can always delete this .esp you created, and start over if your not satisfyed the first time, witch WILL HAPPEN lol...

Learn this process well, mess around in CK...

Remember, you can't screw your game messing around in CK... Just don't save anything... This will give you the basic start to make your own mod friend !


Nest time, open CK, open one cell and drag item in the render window... from the object list... see what this does... learn the CK command... GO HAHEAD my friend, Enjoy life !



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Wow! I don't what to say?!? Thank you very much for the tutorial. I can't begin to tell you how much I appreciate the time you took to do this for me. You're awesome! Thanks



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I'm not awesome my friend,

I only recall someone doing the same for me 6 years ago, back in my Oblivion days...

So when i see someone that only need a lil boost it's missing to start creating his own,.... I can't resist, but to give back what was giving to me 6 years ago !


I truly wisn you the best...


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ps, I forgot, when you want to mod serena's face from Dawnguard's DLC, tik Skyrim.esm & Dawnguard.esm and clic ok...


Everything else will be the same, exept that i don't know what serena's id is by heart...

Try dlc01 in the filter... or dlc, or even serena, or folower... You'll have to work this out on your own mate !

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