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[LE] [Help] Chair as workbench


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Hi, I'm trying to use a chair furniture to make a crafting station for skyrim SSE, set-up the requirement for crafting, have recipes and use the "isWritingChair" keyword. but the character get stuck when its get-up. Its like my control was revoke and not restored and the only thing I can do is jumping (what fix it but its really annoying and unfinished)

Everything else work just fine aside that.

I would like to avoid any scripting if possible.

I know there is other post about it here but the solution was never shared, one say it can be fix using xEdit?

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Have you tried moving the position of the entry marker slightly? It might be that the geometry of the chair is interfering with that particular animation. I had such issues when making my mod CSWW Redux for Fallout 4 and had to fiddle a lot with the orientation of the entry markers to get some animations to work on particular furniture.
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