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Real chests and looting


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In skyrim looting dead bodies, chests and pickpoceting is all about going through menus, lots of menus.


It would be nice if someone can make a mod that made chest physically hold items. In the shrine of merunes dagon (and some other places) there are a chest with the ck RefId ChestOpen, if there is a way to place some animations on this to make it open and close you would have a perfectly working real chest. This would make looting not only more realistic and visually pleasing but also limiting the size and content of the chest (you could also bury that deadric dagger under tons of charcoal). This is already done with the doors (kind of) and so i guess that locks, keys and such would be no problem.


Loooting dead bodies and pickpoceting is also about menus. If it is possible to have the items physically on the people, items like: neckles, rings, gold (hanging in a bag fron the belt), keys (again hanging in the belt) and armor. this is already possible with the swords who drops on the ground for you to pick up. This would also make pickpoceting more interesting as you have to find the keys and money the npc's are wearing. It would also be nice if you could have and option to skin animals and harvest ingredients from them.


This would save me (and possibly many others) from going through loads of menus and make the game more roleplay frendly.


As some last words: excuse my bad english, im norwegian. The reason that i dont go ahead and make this my self is purely because of lacking experince, thank you for reading though this post and please: post any constructive or helping comments and if this has been made before.

Edited by nikko882
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With my fairly limited knowledge of the Creation Kit and modding Skyrim, from what I can tell that sure--this is possible. However, it would require replacing every. single. chest. in the game, and manually choosing the type of loot to be in the chests. Even just doing dummy items this would take FOREVER. Anyone who wishes to make this happen is more than welcome to, and I'd check it out in a heartbeat, but I doubt it would be worth the time to make.
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This would indeed take a LOT of time but all I ask is: if someone want to make this, take your time. I have nothing against one fixed dungeon weekly as long as i, at some point in time, get to enjoy this mod. I also see that people might not want to use their time on this.

Any thoughts on the looting system?

Edited by nikko882
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