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Stardew Valley

Noob Modder - need help please


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I have my own projects going on.. however don't hesitate to join the discord. Perhaps you can instead inject your mail into Data/Mail as like a content pack would. That would let it have an ID

then you can use the command:



I am injecting the mail I just could not find any mail removal functions. I thought I went through player, events, world, etc. but did not see any mailReceived item. I will of course look again. That will be a very helpful. Thanks again. The discord showed 8K folks on. Is that only for Stardew Valley folks? I'll probably breakdown and give it a try soon. Thank you as always!

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Yes thank you. I just did not see the mailReceived collection when I was looking through all the available methods and items. Now that you have pointed that out I am good to go. I can search for the mail I have sent to avoid duplicates and I can determine what mail still remains to be sent. I think that will be the last piece I need. It is not an exciting MOD but it lets me get a feel for it.


And of course another question, but I think I am getting near the end on them. There is an EventGenerator.dll in my mod folder that I did not put there. It appears to be part of the Nuget package used by SMAPI. Do I need to include that in my distribution bundle, or will people already have that? I don't see it in the couple of other mods I have looked at, but I have only checked 2 or 3. I will try running without it present to see if I get errors.

Edited by Taskmaster2
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I am unsure, I don't have that in the SMAPI mods I created. You'd have to ask someone with more knowledge than I.


For your future knowledge, the EventGenerator.dll was removed and the MOD still worked as expected. This may be needed depending on what the MOD does. Again thank you for all your help. I think I am ready to release my MOD to a friend or two for testing and opinions.

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