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Timed Crashing: Savegame decay?


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Put off telling them which platform you have by launching write into the timing issue and asking point blank if they've ever heard of anything similar reported before. Just beat around the bush on your platform by engaging the techie for a bit. As soon as you say Vista he's off the hook you know, so try not to say it for as long as possible, because your conversation will be over at that point.


I like the idea of someone running your savegame on an XP test system. That would put teeth into your Tech Support call.

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From your previous info, you are running on a laptop. That might make a difference, Not sure just how yet. Also, this only happens on a saved game, not an unsaved game.


So we need to figure out what playing a saved game does at precisely 2:12:30 that an unsaved game doesn't. That precise time leads away from a hardware problem - Unless it is something peculiar to your laptop and Oblivion.


Is that 2:12:30 game time or real time?


What happens if you stop doing anything and let the time pass at that point? Does the problem happen, or does it wait until you start playing again?


In your first post you say you got a new version, Does that mean you have an older version? If so, Could you uninstall the GOTY version completely, rename the existing Bethesda Softworks directory (to get rid of any old bits and pieces without deleting anything you might want to put back later) Rename the Oblivion folder in your documents and settings folder (same reason) then run a registry cleaner to clean out the remnants of Oblivion from the registry. Be sure to reboot Both before and after using the registry cleaner - I recommend free CCleaner - available here: http://www.majorgeeks.com/download4191.html


Then, Defrag before reinstalling the old version, or if you feel lucky the new GOTY version and try it before any patches or mods.


If you need help on a full removal, let me know, I have a help file for that.


This is a very strange problem. Let us know what happens and what you do to fix it.

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Hi Ethre, if your saved game doesn't include a myriad mods which I don't have loaded. I'll run one for you. I seem to recall you offered me similar assistance, PM or Mail me biggrin.gif


I appreciate it. I'll send you a PM in just a moment.


Received: Just mail it over as an attachment then :thumbsup:

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Good news: After talking to tech support, he mentioned that it sounded like a corrupt registry entry and that he could give me instructions on a complete uninstall. I figured it couldn't hurt to see what Bethesda had to say, so when he sent them I took a look at their process. It was basically the exact same as a standard removal/reinstall (which I had already done, a couple times) - with the exception that they included a section on removing the InstallShield Installation Information. Since I'd never removed that before, I gave it a go.


It seems to have worked - I can now play past the 2:12:30 block! :)

I'm not certain why this worked, although I have the suspicion that some of the files in the installshield folder may have been corrupted in my first install. I don't think the installer is supposed to use these files in the original install (they are usually for direct reinstalls), but this may have happened - it would explain why earlier reinstalls did nothing to help.


Hopefully this has fixed the issue, because I still have a bit of a gut worry that in another 2 hours of play time I will encounter a similar issue.


Thank you to all who read this thread, and especially to those who offered thoughts/advice. I appreciate this greatly.


Put off telling them which platform you have by launching write into the timing issue and asking point blank if they've ever heard of anything similar reported before. Just beat around the bush on your platform by engaging the techie for a bit. As soon as you say Vista he's off the hook you know, so try not to say it for as long as possible, because your conversation will be over at that point.


I like the idea of someone running your savegame on an XP test system. That would put teeth into your Tech Support call.


I did my best, and while he didn't answer my question about this occurring before, it does seem to have worked out. :)


This is a very strange problem. Let us know what happens and what you do to fix it.


As mentioned above, I think this has worked out *cross my fingers*, but I'm still not certain exactly why.

So in response to your questions:


From your previous info, you are running on a laptop. That might make a difference, Not sure just how yet. Also, this only happens on a saved game, not an unsaved game.

That would be very odd, although it might be possible.

I have never had a game that I didn't save in 2 hours. The issue does not come up when only the main menu is loaded though (no game loaded).

If the issue arises again, I will try and see if I can manage 2 hours without a save.


So we need to figure out what playing a saved game does at precisely 2:12:30 that an unsaved game doesn't. That precise time leads away from a hardware problem - Unless it is something peculiar to your laptop and Oblivion.

I wondered for a while if there was something peculiar about the time. I don't know enough about how Oblivion records the time to be able to check the binary/hex numbers for oddities though.


Is that 2:12:30 game time or real time?

Real time. game time varied between my different characters.


What happens if you stop doing anything and let the time pass at that point? Does the problem happen, or does it wait until you start playing again

If I am not playing, but its not yet in idle, then it crashes. I am not certain what happens if it is in idle though - would have been interesting to check.


Does that mean you have an older version? . . . run a registry cleaner to clean out the remnants of Oblivion from the registry. Be sure to reboot Both before and after using the registry cleaner - I recommend free CCleaner

Unfortunately, no. That's one of the reason's I got GOTY - my original disc died. RIP.

CCleaner's a good program. Good recommendation there. I used to use it on my desktop, thank you for bringing it back to my mind as I hadn't been using it on my laptop. I had deleted to registry keys for Oblivion (there's one main one, and one uninstall one) manually previously.


*Special thanks to pedantic for his offer.

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Further information: In case anyone is wondering, here are Bethesda's complete uninstall/reinstall instructions:


Use the method below to create the cleanest install possible.


1. Click on Start, All Programs, Bethesda Softworks, Oblivion, and choose Uninstall Oblivion.

2. Follow the prompts.

3. Once the uninstall is complete, close all of the open windows.

4. Double-click on My Computer and find the folder the program used to be installed in.

5. Click on the program folder once to highlight it and press the DEL or Delete key on the keyboard to send the folder to the Recycle Bin.

6. Next, open My Computer again and find the folder C:\Windows\Temp.

7. Once in this folder, Click on Tools, then Folder Options. Click on the View tab, then click on Show hidden files and folder to place a check by it. Click on Apply, then OK..

8. Click on Edit at the top of the screen, then Select All. Next click on File, then Delete. Answer Yes or Yes to All to any of the prompts that appear.

9. Next, open My Computer again and find the folder C:\Documents and Settings.

10. Double-click on the folder named after your Windows login name (e.g. if you're login is "Bob", then Double-click the folder named Bob)

11. Double-click the Local Settings folder.

12. Double-click the Temp folder.

13. Click on Edit at the top of the screen, then Select All. Next click on File, then Delete. Answer Yes or Yes to All to any of the prompts that appear.

14. Once this is done, close all open windows.

15. Open My Documents\My Games\Oblivion and delete all the files in this folder (except for the Saves folder if you want to keep your Saves).

16. Open C:\Program Files\InstallShield Installation Information. Delete the folder named {35CB6715-41F8-4F99-8881-6FC75BF054B0} (Note: If this folder does not exist, please skip this steps and continue to the next step.)

17. Empty the Recycle Bin. Double-click the Recycle Bin icon. Click on File and Empty Recycle Bin.

18. Once this is done, close all open windows.

19. Go to Start, Run, and type in msconfig. Click on Selective Startup and temporarily uncheck Load Startup Group Items. Click on Okay and Yes to restart.

20. Please note that the following instructions involve changes to the Windows Registry. The Registry is a very sensitive part of Windows and removing or editing the wrong value can cause a multitude of problems. Please make sure to follow the instructions exactly to ensure a minimal chance of problems. If you wish to make a backup of the registry before proceeding, please use the links below to view Microsoft Support Articles describing how to backup the Windows Registry.


For Windows XP: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?...b;en-us;q322756


**If you do not see a particular entry, skip that entry and move on to the next entry until you complete this step.**


- Click Start, and Run.

- Type in "regedit".


- Click on the plus sign next to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"

- Click on the plus sign next to "Software"

- Click on the plus sign next to "Bethesda Softworks"

- Click once to highlight the "Oblivion" folder on the left side.

- Make sure that key is highlighted and hit the Delete key on the keyboard. Choose Yes to confirm the delete.


- Click on the plus sign next to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"

- Click on the plus sign next to "Software"

- Click on the plus sign next to "Microsoft"

- Click on the plus sign next to "Windows"

- Click on the plus sign next to "CurrentVersion"

- Click on the plus sign next to "Uninstall"

- Click once to highlight the key on the left side: {35CB6715-41F8-4F99-8881-6FC75BF054B0}

- Make sure that key is highlighted and hit the Delete key on the keyboard. Choose Yes to confirm the delete.


- Close the registry editor by clicking on Registry at the top and then click Exit.


21. Place the Oblivion DVD into the drive and install the program.

22. Place the Knights of the Nine DVD (if being used) in the drive and install the expansion. (Note: If you do not have Knights of the Nine on DVD, then skip this step and continue to the next step.)

23. Place the Shivering Isles DVD (if being used) in the drive and install the expansion. (Note: If you do not have Shivering Isles on DVD, then skip this step and continue to the next step.)

24. Install any downloaded plugins.

25. Install the latest patch from http://elderscrolls.com/downloads/updates_patches.htm . Only install the Oblivion patch if you are not using Shivering Isles. If you are using Shivering Isles, then please do not install the Oblivion patch and just install the Shivering Isles patch.

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Wish they'd put that information into a sticky post. That would surely help others out. BTW, Congrats on your problem being fixed.



I agree, Bben has a work in progress which he'll most likely incorporate this into, once he spots it.

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I've already seen it. It's very close to mine. Either way will work.


Mine will allow you to keep any saves and mods plus your customized ini file. And I give you the option of making a back up clean save along with it.


Instead of having you edit the Windows registry, Which is dangerous if you don't know what you are doing. If you were to overwrite or delete the registry it will make your computer unable to boot.


I recommend using a registry cleaning program such as ccleaner. It's free, reliable and available here http://majorgeeks.com/download4191.html.


If used after uninstalling and either deleting or renaming the Oblivion folder it will clean out the oblivion references in the registry. Be sure to reboot your computer both before and after you use it to be sure it gets them all. At the same time it will clean out any other unused references and quite a bit of other junk from the registry. Then before reinstalling be sure to defrag.

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Instead of having you edit the Windows registry, Which is dangerous if you don't know what you are doing. If you were to overwrite or delete the registry it will make your computer unable to boot.


Been there, done that (or very close to it), learned not to do it again. :)

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Instead of having you edit the Windows registry, Which is dangerous if you don't know what you are doing. If you were to overwrite or delete the registry it will make your computer unable to boot.


Been there, done that (or very close to it), learned not to do it again. :)

I'm a registry hack from waaay back, but nope I've never done that. I used to be pretty sharp. I'm getting old.

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