Rixxen Posted September 3, 2019 Share Posted September 3, 2019 So I'm running into this issue where I'm crashing when I try and access the transfer menu of any of the workbenches in any of the settlements. Here's my load order : 0 0 Fallout4.esm 1 1 DLCRobot.esm 2 2 DLCworkshop01.esm 3 3 DLCCoast.esm 4 4 DLCworkshop02.esm 5 5 DLCworkshop03.esm 6 6 DLCNukaWorld.esm 7 7 Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp 8 8 ArmorKeywords.esm 9 9 CROSS_CosmeticFramework.esm254 FE 0 CROSS_CoA.esl 10 a DamageThresholdFramework.esm 11 b HUDFramework.esm 12 c iSynth - Replikants.esm 13 d Loads.esm 14 e NewCalibers.esp 15 f SimSettlements.esm254 FE 1 G11.esl 16 10 Damage Threshold.esm 17 11 WorkshopFramework.esm254 FE 2 AORobcoReconScope.esl 18 12 Robot Home Defence.esm254 FE 3 SimSettlements_LeaderPack_Gannon_Patches.esl254 FE 4 SimSettlements_IDEKsLogisticsStation.esl254 FE 5 VC_Gage_Fix.esl254 FE 6 WET.esl 19 13 CBBE.esp 20 14 512StandaloneHairColors.esp254 FE 7 AlysrazaOverlays.esp 21 15 AllSetsExtended.esp 22 16 ASEFarHarbor.esp 23 17 Eli_Apocalypse Attire.esp 24 18 VIS-G Item Sorting.esp254 FE 8 AWKCR - dnCommonArmor dlc legendaries bugfix.esp 25 19 TF - Perks Plus - Overkill - (VIS-G + AWKCR).esp 26 1a EAMR.esp 27 1b Armorsmith Extended.esp 28 1c CraftingFramework.esp 29 1d PAMAP.esp 30 1e AWKCR - Mod Power Armor Engine Glitch Fix.esp 31 1f 3DNPC_FO4.esp 32 20 brotherhood of steel overhaul.esp 33 21 OutcastsAndRemnants.esp 34 22 Eli_Armour_Compendium.esp 35 23 EveryonesBestFriend.esp 36 24 SimSettlements_XPAC_Conqueror.esp 37 25 AmazingFollowerTweaks.esp 38 26 EndorsCustomCombatArmor.esp 39 27 EndorsCustomCombatArmor_AE.esp 40 28 AnodizedBlackSteelCA.esp 41 29 F4NVServiceRifleRedux.esp 42 2a Rangergearnew.esp 43 2b WestTekTacticalOptics.esp 44 2c RangerGear Cruiser FIX.esp 45 2d Galaxy News Radio.esp 46 2e Vivid Waters.esp 47 2f 3DNPC_FO4Settler.esp 48 30 EndorsCustomCombatArmor_CFA.esp 49 31 SimSettlements_MegaPack_YearTwo.esp 50 32 randompanserfollower.esp 51 33 Mercenary.esp 52 34 EG7.esp 53 35 ProjectValkyrie.esp 54 36 DOOMMerged.esp 55 37 Jorge.esp 56 38 WattzLaserGun.esp 57 39 G11.esp 58 3a Midwest Power Armor Evolution.esp 59 3b ZhannaCompanion.esp 60 3c RU556.esp 61 3d CompVex.esp 62 3e AK400.esp 63 3f AtomicRadio.esp 64 40 DX_Banshee_Recon_Armor.esp 65 41 Better Balanced Generators.esp 66 42 BetterSettlers.esp 67 43 BetterSettlersCleanFacePack.esp 68 44 BetterSettlersNoLollygagging.esp 69 45 BoS Medic Battle Suit.esp 70 46 KSHairdos.esp 71 47 Crafting Mastery.esp 72 48 Crafting Mastery - Patch Sim Settlements.esp 73 49 CROSS_BallisticMask.esp254 FE 9 CROSS_BrotherhoodRecon.esp254 FE a CROSS_CourserStrigidae.esp 74 4a AQUILA.esp 75 4b DnxTattoos.esp 76 4c EPRP.esp 77 4d ECV_RemnantsArmor.esp 78 4e dD-Enhanced Blood.esp 79 4f Factor.esp 80 50 Harrys Weapons For New Calibers Patch.esp 81 51 FahrenheitComp.esp 82 52 Geist_Suit.esp 83 53 Glock86.esp 84 54 HTR Doombased Weapon Merged AWKCR VIS-G patch.esp 85 55 ImmersiveVendors.esp 86 56 Loads of Ammo - Leveled Lists.esp 87 57 LooksMenu.esp 88 58 LooksMirror.esp 89 59 LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp 90 5a BlackVikingPiper.esp 91 5b KSHairdos_oel.esp 92 5c MiscHairstyle.esp 93 5d LMBTOverlays.esp 94 5e Impervious Power Armour.esp 95 5f Impervious Power Armour - Automatron.esp 96 60 MoreHairstyles4Male.esp 97 61 MoreBeards.esp 98 62 MoreHairstyles4Female.esp 99 63 AzarPonytailHairstyles.esp100 64 BetterSettlersCCAPack2.0.esp101 65 AgemoNPCs(E).esp102 66 F4NVServiceRifleRedux_AWKCR.esp103 67 Harrys_NewCaliber_Patch_For_Service_Rifle.esp104 68 F4NVServiceRifleRedux_Patch_Uniques.esp105 69 F4NVServiceRifleRedux_Patch_Uniques_AWKCR.esp106 6a ProjectValkyrie - NC-Loads-AE-VIS Patch.esp107 6b NewCalibers_DOOMsGuns.esp108 6c Harrys_NewCaliber_Patch_For_AK400.esp109 6d NomexGloves.esp110 6e Galactac.esp111 6f EndorsCustomCombatArmor_AzarHair.esp112 70 EndorsCustomCombatArmor_BoSKit.esp113 71 EndorsCustomCombatArmor_VaultSuitDLC_AE.esp114 72 GR123 West Tek Tactical Gloves.esp254 FE b Armorsmith WestTek Night & Thermal Vision addon.esp115 73 Primez Military Fatigues.esp116 74 3dscopes.esp117 75 3dscopes-robcorecon.esp118 76 3dscopes-servicerifle.esp119 77 SettlementMenuManager.esp120 78 SimSettlements_MegaPack_YearOne.esp121 79 PCDugWedges.esp122 7a SimSettlements_CityPlanPack_ContestEntries.esp123 7b WVSimSAddon.esp124 7c SimSettlements_NBL_LeadersPack.esp125 7d SimpleSettlers.esp126 7e FP_SimSettlements-Leaderpack.esp127 7f ModularGaussRifle.esp128 80 NV4.esp129 81 RU556Armouryprojectv3.esp130 82 RU556_W-AR.esp131 83 Harrys_NewCaliber_Patch_For_RU556.esp132 84 companion_FHSM.esp133 85 SHB.esp134 86 CompVictoria.esp135 87 3DNPC_FO4 AE.esp136 88 Tesla X01.esp137 89 VeronicaFollowerBACKUP1.esp138 8a DTFOptionalPlugin.esp139 8b Fallout2Sergeant.esp140 8c Companion_BloodRose.esp141 8d B-90SentinelSuit.esp142 8e MercenaryCBBEPatch.esp143 8f TTOutfit.esp144 90 VendorCaps.esp145 91 EnclaveX02.esp146 92 IPA Extension Patch - X-01 Tesla & X-02.esp147 93 IPA Extension Patch - Enclave X-02 Power Armor.esp148 94 Hellfirenew.esp149 95 Vivid Fallout - All in One - Best Choice.esp150 96 Vivid Weathers - FO4.esp151 97 Vivid Weathers - FO4 - Spring.esp152 98 Vivid Weathers - FO4 - Far Harbor.esp153 99 Vivid Weathers - Nuka World.esp154 9a 3dscopes-wattz.esp155 9b WastelandFashion.esp156 9c WastelandFashionAccessories.esp157 9d ZellaHairDye.esp158 9e XM2010_SniperRifle_by_tooun.esp159 9f Harrys_NewCaliber_Patch_For_XM2010.esp160 a0 XM2010_SniperRifle_STS.esp161 a1 EyesoftheUniverse.esp162 a2 ProjectSynth.esp163 a3 Quad_RAWLauncher.esp164 a4 Skibs-WH77Redux.esp165 a5 USMC.esp166 a6 G11 Calibers.esp167 a7 Harrys_NewCaliber_Patch_For_G11.esp Any help would be appreciated . 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