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UF4P Nuka-Trader Fix - I think I found a Solution


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So they say that uninstalling UF4P and then starting a new game is the only way to fix this. As someone who already have 3 weeks worth of hours in my save, this is just bullshit.


That being said, I tried some fixes of my own, I tried resetting the dialogues: player.resetquest 0601aabf


Now the traders talk to me, but they can't go forward a certain dialogue chain. Mackenzie only just greets me like the first time, and just keeps doing so.


So how does dialogues work?


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Why resetquest, and what is 0601aabf?


Instead try `setstage xx027704 255`, or one of the other stages: https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Open_Season


This obviously won't fix any dialogues, but should finish the quest at least and allow you to get the NW red rocket...



I'll probably have to try to find a workaround myself soon, since I haven't started NW yet in the current playthrough, and made the mistake of using UFO4P, too...

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most simple solution, don't use that artmoor crap, all works fine then


Don't even get me started on artmoor. I still refuse to use the Skyrim Unofficial Patch (USLEP), last time I did the newest version *then* broke the Dark Brotherhood quest to assassinate Vittoria Vici. I saw in TES5Edit that only the USLEP touched that quest and uninstalling USLEP fixed the quest and it ran normally. Pointing this out with proof only got artmoor to close out the bug report as 'mod conflict' saying it wasn't *his* mod that was doing it. >.< Well, uninstalling *his* mod fixed it and only *his* mod touched that quest so... *shrug* I'll live with the bugs inflicted on us by Bethesda, at least the game *works*. At least until someone else does something like YUP for Skyrim.

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most simple solution, don't use that artmoor crap, all works fine then


Don't even get me started on artmoor. I still refuse to use the Skyrim Unofficial Patch (USLEP), last time I did the newest version *then* broke the Dark Brotherhood quest to assassinate Vittoria Vici. I saw in TES5Edit that only the USLEP touched that quest and uninstalling USLEP fixed the quest and it ran normally. Pointing this out with proof only got artmoor to close out the bug report as 'mod conflict' saying it wasn't *his* mod that was doing it. >.< Well, uninstalling *his* mod fixed it and only *his* mod touched that quest so... *shrug* I'll live with the bugs inflicted on us by Bethesda, at least the game *works*. At least until someone else does something like YUP for Skyrim.




i stopped using it in old rim, after he changed the bed ownership's for the houses from heartfire, they where not bugged, but HE thought it was a good idea to do so

later on HE started to change values on weapons/armors and changed spels, because HE thought it was more balanced

but he broke mods with doing that, complaining i his thread resulted in deleted post, HE don't like it when peeps tell him he broke things

so in the end his so called bug fixes is a big NO for me


sse/f04 works both fine for me without his crap mod

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most simple solution, don't use that artmoor crap, all works fine then


Don't even get me started on artmoor. I still refuse to use the Skyrim Unofficial Patch (USLEP), last time I did the newest version *then* broke the Dark Brotherhood quest to assassinate Vittoria Vici. I saw in TES5Edit that only the USLEP touched that quest and uninstalling USLEP fixed the quest and it ran normally. Pointing this out with proof only got artmoor to close out the bug report as 'mod conflict' saying it wasn't *his* mod that was doing it. >.< Well, uninstalling *his* mod fixed it and only *his* mod touched that quest so... *shrug* I'll live with the bugs inflicted on us by Bethesda, at least the game *works*. At least until someone else does something like YUP for Skyrim.

When that happen. Did you use any mods aside from USLEEP?

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most simple solution, don't use that artmoor crap, all works fine then


Don't even get me started on artmoor. I still refuse to use the Skyrim Unofficial Patch (USLEP), last time I did the newest version *then* broke the Dark Brotherhood quest to assassinate Vittoria Vici. I saw in TES5Edit that only the USLEP touched that quest and uninstalling USLEP fixed the quest and it ran normally. Pointing this out with proof only got artmoor to close out the bug report as 'mod conflict' saying it wasn't *his* mod that was doing it. >.< Well, uninstalling *his* mod fixed it and only *his* mod touched that quest so... *shrug* I'll live with the bugs inflicted on us by Bethesda, at least the game *works*. At least until someone else does something like YUP for Skyrim.

When that happen. Did you use any mods aside from USLEEP?


Lot's of mods, and only one mod touched the quest and only one mod, when it was uninstalled (right click, Uninstall or Delete , From All Profiles ) , when gone, fixed the issue. USLEEP. With out it the quest runs perfectly like it always has, with it, Vicci never attends her wedding and is immortal, even if I try to 'setessential' to unset her essential flag. So I uninstalled USLEEp and never looked back after artmoor refused to accept the data I provided.

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