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Game speed my pace?


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I've been wanting to use the sgtm console command to set the game speed to .75... but every time I draw my bow or the game slows due to a killcam or something it goes back to normal. So I was thinking maybe there's a way to make the console repeat itself so the game could stay at that speed... without my input. It gets really annoying >.<.
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  • 4 years later...

Well, it is... 4 years after you asked, I come with the solution - took me about a night to figure it out, after wasting another reading up the internet for a solution and browsing through Papyrus and ini docs, and it seems I am the first one, since I found similar questions, but no answers.

1. Scripting - not possible. Sgtm does not have an alternative in Papyrus according to its reference.

2. .ini - not possible - no setting for gtm.

3. Creation kit - that would be scripting too - so no.

4. Anything - yes - a crack to the .exe. Inside TESV.exe there is a function that gets called when sgtm is written in the console. This function's address is 00A4B150. And it gets called from a number of places. The one bothering me was the fact that it gets called when using a bow with a parameter 3f800000 (float 1), which has the same effect as "sgtm 1". This call is on address 00782C1F.

(Addresses are valid for my TESV.exe - might vary with different versions).

My fix is a binary patch to the exe substituting "6A 00 51 B9 D0 AD B4 01 C7 04 24 00 00 80 3F E8 2C 85 2C 00" with "90"-s (NOP).

What I used to find the place for the patch and fix it was OllyDbg, attaching to a running skyrim and debugging the code with a breakpoint on "sgtm". But now knowing the string above to look for, any Hex Editor can be used to do the replacement. Save a copy of the .exe before attempting this.

The result of this crack is that setting sgtm through the console does not get overwritten everytime you use your bow.


OllyDbg shows all the calls to this function. I do not know which one is for the kill cam, since I cannot easily reproduce a kill move in game to test and find it, but setting a breakpoint in the routine and playing for awhile till a kill move happens with the debugger attached will answer the question. Then just NOP the push arguments and the call out.


If somebody decides to try Olly on TESV - set TESV to run with your screen's resolution in windowed mode on a single monitor. Having a different resolution, full screen or multiple monitors causes crashes, or inability to switch to olly.

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