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Have 2 handed shethes, with bow shethed as well.


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Hello, Thanku for reading my request.


As I play through skyrim as an archer, It would be foolish to assume an archer would not have a blade as well, it breaks the immersion for me how when I equip my bow, my sword or axe vanishes.

What I would like is this: to have the ability/option to make my 2 handed sword/1 handed stay sheathed while using a bow, meaning I can have the bow sheathed, and the sword all the same time, or more realistically have 1 handed sheathed, un-equipped while using a bow. perhaps 2 buttons, where u can set what weapon u want to unsheathe when u are ready to use it?



So for example, if I had a bow equip, and a sword. U would see the sword sheathed, and the bow on back at the same time.

It seems like it would not be hard to do for those whom have the knowledge to do so. Please let me know as this is something that

takes immersion from me, thanku.


P.s I have looked at all mods, some allow duel shethed, but only for swords, however still doe snot allow just one equipped while the other not.

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