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Final Battle


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I begin by saying that my Fallout has already been finished by me once, with the ending of Yes Man and the independence of New Vegas. After finishing the game I installed and terminated all the original DLCs except for Dead Money, which is installed but not finished. I use about fifty mods including NVSE, NVAC, 4G Patcher, YUP, Collision Meshes. The mods are managed through FOMM. Never detected any conflict so far. I have recently installed FPGE.
I don't have any other mods that affect the Hoover Dam area or change it in any way, if needed I can show you my exact loading order.
I have a problem with the final battle at the dam: it doesn't start. For this reason I cannot finish the game again and consequently the FPGE mod does not activate. I've tried with and without FPGE installed, but nothing changes. The "bug" begins after talking to Yes Man at the Lucky 38 and being teletransported to Hoover Dam. Normally, in order for the battle to begin, one must enter the dam control room and activate manual control of the central terminal , to trigger the Securitron army. After this the battle should begin. In my case, nothing happens, no battle. I just noticed that Yes Man isn't present after the teletransport to the dam, and instead he should be there, along with the player and his companion. Some tell me it's due to a conflict between mods, but I can't imagine where this conflict is. I can only add that the game apparently works perfectly. Don't crash, there are no FPS drops, there are no stutters, there are no problems loading interiors of buildings, vaults, caves, water. All the mods seem to work without problems. What can it be that prevents the battle from starting? Are any Yes Man bugs known to cause this problem? Can "force" the start of combat with a specific command?

Edited by TheShark76
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Just a guess, but as the final battle is "end game" normally, it is possible that the uncompleted Dead Money quest is preventing it from starting. Normally you wouldn't be able to finish DM after the Battle for Hoover Dam starts. Bear in mind that game originally was designed to play on the XBox, so "it's on rails" was a stronger feature.



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Of course it is possible, but if this is the case there is something wrong. Let me explain: I downloaded all the DLCs, installed them and finished them (excluding Dead Money which remained in the middle) after finishing the main quest, that is, after the conclusion of the final battle and the death of Lanius. Having finished the game did not create any problems with the functioning of the DLCs. If I tried to use the "setstage" command? To bypass that quest point and start directly from the start of the battle to the dam? Do you think it could work?

I don't mind to finish Dead Money, but there's a mod that allows to conclude the DLC without do it, I can try to install that mod

Edited by TheShark76
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It appears the confusion on my part come from the statement:

downloaded all the DLCs, installed them and finished them (excluding Dead Money which remained in the middle)


I interpreted that to mean "in the middle of playing the DM quest". If you are referring to the DM DLC plugin being present in the middle of your "load order", then as long as you haven't actually started the "Sierra Madre Grand Opening" or a later DM quest, it should not matter. If you are in the midst of the DM story line, then I suspect you need to complete it somehow: either by adding the mod you mentioned, or as appropriate from the following console commands:


* Quests: (Use GECK, "Actor Data" | "Quests" | "Form ID" for "base id" by hovering mouse over the desired quest in the list)

- CompleteAllObjectives <base id> - sets all objectives for the quest to a completed status (1). Useful for bypassing a bugged or broken objective.
- caqs – Completes all stages of all quests, even quests you have not taken on, basically completely wiping out all quests of the game and completing the game without ending the game.
- CompleteQuest <base id> - completes and removes current quest from PipBoy.
- getqc <base id> - checks if the current quest is complete. if true = 1 false = 0.
- getstage <base id> - gets the current objective level of a quest.
- movetoqt - move player to current quest target location.
- resetquest <base id> - Gives the specified quest, removing it from the quest log. Beware: often, this may force you to redo other quests to receive it once more.
- saq - start all quests.
- SetQuestObject - setquestobject <baseid> <1> will set the NPC or item to quest object or not (1 is, 0 not).
- setstage <base id> <Quest Objective> - sets a quest to an objective level. Recommended command for moving past bugged sections of quests rather than forcing the entire quest to become completed.
- showquestlog - show the quest log, everything the player has encountered and done in the game.
- sqs <base id> - list all quest objective levels (stages) with current value.
- sqt - list all of the current quest targets.
* sqv <base id> - list quest variables.
* set <"base id".variable> to <value> - change quest variable to value NOTE: Requires quotes around the base id of the quest.
Example: In New Vegas, set "000E61A5".MetRangerAndy to 1 will fix Raul's quest if you've already spoken to Ranger Andy before you recruit him.

* FNV quest IDs
Source: [https://fallout.gamepedia.com/Fallout:_New_Vegas_quests#Dead_Money]
(There are 12 separate quests for DM listed. "SetStage" will only progress you along the "current" objective level of that particular quest line.)


Note the "caqs" command appears to complete all of the FNV story line quests. I have no idea (never used it) if it will also complete the "Battle for Hoover Dam" (which occurs under different quest names depending upon the faction you favor) as well, but from the description consider it highly likely. Also no idea as to it's impact upon FPGE. (Do let us know if you try it out.)



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