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No Oath for Stormclock or Imperial Main Quest


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I would like very simple mod that I don't need to make oath but willing to join and fight thier cause, I do not like making oath personal, if they want my help, I don't need to make a oath to them, just for roleplaying reason, after all, isn't Ralof or Hadvar calm said stormclock or Imperial need help, if someone need help, would you make a oath to them? I think not, mostly. Anyway, just a simple Mod that add by said "I won't taken a oath, but willing to help this cause" or remove oath and move on, whatever seem good to you. I don't had this skill to mod this problem, that's why I'm asking if anyone could make this simple mod? when I said simple, I mean just this problem, but I don't know it's simple to mod it, that's what I mean. Thank you for your time and understand. I would rather download from nexusmods, and using maual install, I don't use NMW, though. Thank you. It's just roleplaying reason. Edited by Wanderer81
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