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What are the best game making tools


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I need to know what the best, or very good game making tools are, me and my friend want to get into the buisness, but we don't know where to start. we thought the best place to look was by asking fellow gamers :)

What country are you from? In America, one of the best ways to get serious employment in the Computer Game industry is via a degreed program from a technical college (ITT is just a single example).

What are your interests? Graphics development? Primary engine? 3-D Modelling? Storyline development?

Gotta' know these things....


My first recommendation would be to check out the production credits for a game similar to the one you imagine... this will give you an idea of the tasks involved in producing that game.

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there ais no "best tool" to make a game dude... its not like you buy a saw and build a chair...

games consist of a bunch of totally different items, the story, the script, the ai, the 3d engine, the models, the extures, sound, voice, music, etc...


honestly if you are just two guys and dont have a mommy and papi with somin like 100million at hand... your only options will be to make some crappy 2d game... 15yrs ago you had a chance but nowerdays games are so complex that one person cant do it alone if he/she wants to get finished in a life time...


getting in the buisiness is another possible way to create games but for that you either need a good degree or approcimately 3yrs of professional experience in the field of your choice... and be sure to be a slave of ea... 3drealms seems to be a good employer but they really just take the creme de la creme...


you could also work as a freelancer doing somin here and somin there but payment is kinda fluctuating if you do so and you definately wont have any influence whatsoever on what you actually do...


also without any foreknowledge in any field of creating virtual content i see no future... specialize in somin and train train train... create a portofolio and maybe you strike lucky...


but if you really wanna create your own game well... learny c++ (over the next 5 yrs or so), create your own engine or buy a licence (if you have 300k that is) and start working... probably putting all your hard earned money you made at mc donalds into it until you realize that youre bancrupt and whatever you developed was yet stolen just to be made by ea...


good luck

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You could try FPS Creator X9 if you use Windows XP and have DirectX 9....or FPS Creator X10 if you have Vista and DirectX 10...


It's a very easy tool to make FPS games with awesome physics and it it's not expensive.


You should google the name...I am using the free version for training...and I am getting the full version in december.



Cheers :thumbsup:



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