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Loki's Helm and Spear

Issa 5

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Second time I've suggested this, but it got a lot of interest last time so I think I'm justified in bringing this to modder's attentions again. :D I'd be incredibly grateful to anyone who can implement either of these items. I have actually tried to make the spear myself, but I failed miserably. :(


Loki's Helmet:http://www.superheroes-r-us.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/Loki-Helmet.jpg


Loki's Spear (Dagger): http://www.cgsociety.org/stories/2012_05/eep/haa0890_plate_v001.jpg


Loki's Spear (staff): Same but stretched out.


His armor looks like this, but I doubt anyone will have the time to make it: http://www.figures.com/forums/attachments/news/27489d1337344761-movie-masterpiece-avengers-loki-1htloki16.jpg?stc=1

Thanks for reading this. :)

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