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Need help with the conditions for the Destroy the Dark Brotherhood que


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Well, i'm working on a mod which introduces a quest similar to the Destroy the Dark Brotherhood but for the thieves guild. All is going well (if I use the console to start the quest) but there are a few things that I can't seem to fix:


On the death of astrid the Destroy the Dark Brotherhood quest is started, but I can't find the line responsible for this (I've checked every DB02 quest, the actorbase of Astrid and ofcourse the DBDestroy quest itself but with no results). I've tried to let the quest start by using Event OnDeath, OnKill and even the condition GetDeadCount but they don't seem to work on Brynjolf (but it does work on other thieves guild members).


Brynjolf doesn't seem to accept any changes to his invulnerability and essential state, I've copied the lines at the end of TG00 (pBrynjolf.SetInvulnerable(false)), unchecked the invulnerable and essential boxes in his actorbase but with no result. Ofcourse I've defined the necessary properties at the beginning/end of the script and filled the properties with the correct values.


I've made a TGAttackPlayerFaction (duplicated the DBAttackPlayerFaction) with the player as enemy with the thieves guild members filled in the faction list (after a certain stage in the quest) but when reaching this stage the thieves guild members won't become hostile until I attack them. Fixed partially


I need help with these minor issues.


Future plans are : Create a individual actor (with maybe voice acting) as quest giver (now it's Commander Maro), include the thieves members in the cistern as well, add a random guard dialogue line after completing this quest similar to the one from the Dark Brotherhood.


When finished I will release this mod on SkyrimNexus and those who've helped me will be included in the credits.

Edited by bruce142
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Nevermind I've found the pAstridScript. Now I need to deal with the Invulnerable Brynjolf and the non-hostile Thieves Guild members.


Edit : Found a way to make Brynjolf non-essential and non-invulnerable, I now only have to fix the problem of the non-hostile Thieves Guild members. I will find a way to make the secret wardrobe accessible by the player when starting the "Destroy the Thieves Guild" quest so you can wipe out the thieves guild members in the cistern as well.

Edited by bruce142
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You can't make Maven Blackbriar non-essential because you will have no Jarl when finishing the main quest "Season Unending" where you have to negotiate the transfer of Riften against the transfer of Markarth. Do you mean wiping out the Thieves Guild will make you one step closer for becoming thane (let it count for the five people you will have to help)? I don't know if the Destroy the Dark Brotherhood quest does this.


Edit : All members of the Thieves Guild in the cistern added except for Garthar and Ravyn Imyan (they won't show up before quest TG01). Now I need to find a way to add the player as enemy to the Thieves Guild faction. I've tried the following lines (with the correct filled in properties):



Alias_(a thieves guild member)Alias.GetActorRef.AddtoFaction(TGAttackPlayerFaction)


I've copied the DBAttackPlayerFaction and changed the name to TGAttackPlayerFaction. Ofcourse you will have to replace (a thieves guild member) in this line with eg. VexAlias, DirgeAlias,... . I even have tried to enable "track crime" in the TGAttackPlayerFaction with the AttackOnSight box checked but with no result.

Edited by bruce142
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