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Item Carrying Immersion


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This is a mod suggestion that would be geared more towards hardcore players, or people that like to play their games more realistically. It would decrease the player's carry weight to a measly 50 pounds (not counting the armor they're wearing). This is so you can somewhat realistically explain how your person is holding those items. There's no way you can justify a single person holding 400 pounds of items and jumping around. When you buy a horse however, it will be able to store items of up to 400 pounds. The horse will no longer be able to fight in combat though, because it will be labelled essential so it can't die. That would increase the realism, because if a horse isn't fighting in combat then usually it won't get attacked, so that can be the justification of it being invincible.


Then I thought about the scenario of raiding a cave or a Dwemer ruin, and how it would be too much of a hassle to run back and forth out of the cave to your horse every time you got too much loot so you could store it. That's why I thought of a secondary holding system, the companion/animal. I had Sceolang (my husky friend) in mind for this mod, but I suppose any type of animal follower or other companion could also be used. This person/animal would follow you around like usual, except they wouldn't fight; instead they'd just hold your items up to about 50 pounds, maybe a little more (or less?). Their primary purpose would be to hold you over while you're raiding a dungeon or what not, until you were done and could transfer the items you got onto your horse.


This is my dream mod, and think it would be an awesome addition to the game! Thanks for reading this and please leave a comment about it.

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