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Requesting modders to join my mod team.


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So my mod team is gonna make a DLC for skyrim but we need more people to join us.


We need:


A person good with scripting

A person good with layout for houses, dungeons and city's in the Creation kit (Along with NPC's to populate the dungeons, city's,Houses)

A really good Quest designer

A person good at texturing

A armor modeler.

A Good Voice actor (Male and Female wanted)

And also another Weapons modeler (currently only I make weapons in the mod team.)



My mod team does realize with just me and him it will take months to do. But if we have more people It would help Us SO MUCH we want to make a couple new city's, armor sets,weapons, Dungeons, and more...



Heres our mod team website DarkSaber2328 Productions website

Edited by DarkSaber2328
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