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Custom Armour


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Hey all, this is probably in the wrong place, if it is please can a mod move it to it's rightfull area. Now. I have pain stakingly made my way through the 2 tes wiki of how to make custom armour in blender, but whenever i do it there are always some things i don't have. like the UV texture Mode in blender... i dont have that... have i got an old version of blender? or am i just being foolish? Also, I could really do with a hand on making custom armour, so if you can help (handy tips, tutorials, any other helpfull things) please post ANYTHING that might help me.


i'm going through alot of :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: atm so if you can help me it would be VERY much apreciated.


Demonman562 Visit my mods, Fish Fort <---(looking for help)

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The newest versions of Blender don't have UV face select mode. This happens in edit mode instead. You will still need to set up a little separate window for this - go down to the buttons window, right-click on the line between it and the 3d view, and choose "split." Then go to the new small window, click the little square button in the corner, and choose "UV."


The tutorial hasn't been updated in a while and is somewhat out of date. More recent tutorials by me (and some others) can be found at the Modeling and Texturing Wiki.


I'm always available to help and answer questions for those putting forth the effort to learn.


And the most important tip for today is -


If the armor is invisible, crumpled, or crashes the game, 99% of the time it's because you didn't correctly add the new skeleton.

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