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Ragged Flagon and Cistern as same cell


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Hey there, it always bugged me this; why the hell ragged flagon and the cistern are 2 different cells? Every time you want to go from your office to get a job from Delvin or Vex, you have to pass a loading screen back and forth. Reminds me of DB sanctuary from Oblivion where the training area was a different cell as well. Why Bethesda is doing this? My only logical explanation would be lagging, as there are quite a lot of npcs once you fully restore the guild... but the DB sanctuary had no npcs that were fully stationed in the training area...


So back to the thread's point can anyone save me (or perhaps many others) from the dread loading screen between cistern and ragged flagon? Or at least care to explain me why 2 cells are required...

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