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Bread Crumbs


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Not sure if this is possible. When I am exploring downtown Boston, or other areas, I get confused on where I have been. I want to go down every street and alley and go into every building. I would like a way to leave a permanent mark/marker in the world to show I have been there already. I tried dropping burnt books but they disappear after a while.

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After 2000 hrs. of play, I agree something like this would be great. It seems many items are crafted at the chemistry work bench, then modified at the armor or weapons workbench. In the side quest " The lost Patrol " emergency distress beacons are used to locate objectives. Someone with experience might be able to create something similar that would display a unique icon for close locations or streets that have been visited. To save map clutter, maybe an off/on toggle to switch displays. Not being a modder myself, I hope somebody would create something along those lines. This is one topic I will follow, as I would definitely use a mod like this. Lets hope someone takes this up.

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