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No Potions approach for more immersive combat?


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To answer your question, I usually play fighters because there's a lot of variety there. I like the Axes best. Both 2 and 1 handed. They don't feel as slow and clumsy as Maces & Hammers nor as light and swishy as swords & daggers.


Dawnguard Rune Hammer is by far my favorite weapon in Skyrim, possibly in all of the elder scroll games....:P. So much fun combining magic and a warhammer into one epic weapon of bad-assary :D

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I always feel like I've "lost" when I have to use any healing potions. I'd rather get killed and reload the quick save I did about ten seconds earlier. Quick saving is a feature I abuse quite a lot, that would be more of a challenge for me to go without.
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I always feel like I've "lost" when I have to use any healing potions. I'd rather get killed and reload the quick save I did about ten seconds earlier. Quick saving is a feature I abuse quite a lot, that would be more of a challenge for me to go without.


If you ever want to play a super challenging and unforgiving playthough, try this:


--Disable all auto saves


--Only have one save file for the character


--Play the game on expert


--Don't use any companions


--If you die once you have to delete your character completely and start over


Tried this once and I was literally panicking at the part where I had to get Dawnbreaker and the doors close behind you after you enter the large room with the boss wizard. This is such an epic way to play if you don't know what character type to make next :P.

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