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Construction Set Petition


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A working CS would really make it easier to mod, especially since the coding style for cheat commands is similiar to Oblivion. Question is if Bethsoft does not release a CS would it be possible to hardwire the Oblivion CS to run using Fallout 3 esm as Master file?

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As we all know, the Oblivion Construction Set gives modding a lot more options, and it attracts a large modding community. Fallout 3 is a beautiful game, and has so much potential to develop a thriving mod community. Bethesda claims that they don't know when they will be able to release a construction set, and that it hasn't even been confirmed if it will be made. A construction set is essential for a modding community to develop and thrive here. This may just be a petition, but a little extra influence from the people sure can't hurt the cause. To sign this petition, simply post with a thumbs up expression and a comment in favor of releasing a construction set. Bethesda is bound to find out about this eventually if it gets big enough.


Example: Count me in for the Fallout 3 Construction Set! :thumbsup:




That's one.


EDIT: I encourage those who view this to sign, the petition won't benefit from merely looking at it. We need your input!


EDIT 2: This is NOT a flame against Bethesda, it is meant for positive encouragement of releasing a CS. If you have any negative comments, please refrain from posting them here.



Definatly count me as wanting them to release the dang thing, lol I realise what they are doing they need to do for their own peice of mind, And I Am NO Modder (I lack the skills), But most of the modders that are working on stuff are reaching an impass in VALUABLE fixes/Mods....


Please PLEASE Bethesda... release it or at least a basic soon :)

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Im signing this petition.


What do you think kept oblivion around all this time? the mods. Why do you think there are lots of good mods that are keeping this game around and still on shelvs? Because it has a Construction Set. Come on bethesda! cant you see the light!?

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Rumor had it they were refraining from releasing the CS due to potential mods surrounding the children. Given such mods are already created they will hopefully release the CS sooner. (technically it would be in their best interest PR-wise to release it, since the flood of new mods would make the ones they disapprove of fade into the background.

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