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Need help with CTD's and game not starting


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I apologize if this is the same old question. But I've tried everything to figure this all out myself. Im new to modding Skyrim, and the past two weeks I've been messing around with it. Any problems I've encountered I've managed to figure out what to do, but the past two days I haven't been able to start a new game or load into an old one without it just CTD after the load screen. I've already completely uninstalled every mod and reinstalled Skyrim once to try and fix and issue, would rather not do all of that over again. My mod list is here




I've been using Nexus to download the mods, Mod Organizer to...well organize, sort and launch the game. I've also been using LOOT for the plugin order. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm at the point I actually WANT to play the game.

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You say you have uninstalled every mod; so if you just have Skyrim and the DLC and it CTDs on a new game that is a base game problem. Try veryfing files through steam first otherwise you need a clean re-install. ie deinstall through steam and then ensure the Skyrim folder is deleted before you re-install.

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