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Edit food Value for survival mode


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Hi everyone,

I'd like to edit the value of modded food items so that they provide satiety when playing in survival mode and not just a restore health effect.

The mods are urban food expanded by Clintmich and MREs by fadingsignal

Is there anybody who would like to guide me through the FO4edit in order to get this done ? Thank you for your time

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It means that there is no way for modders to tinker with survival values of food and drink,at least not directly. I think it's engine-level,but I'm no modder,so don't quote me on that. Hard-coded more or less means that,if you try to do that thing in any way other than the exact,precise way that it's already being done,then it'll have a conniption,explode,and fail. For modders,this typically renders the feature as a complete and total black box,something you have little hope of cracking open to understand and reverse-engineer. Thankfully,people have figured out this particular black box; If the food and drink is more valuable per-unit,then it has a larger impact on your survival stats. If the food and drink is less valuable per-unit,then it'll have less of an impact on your survival stats.


Many people getting into overhaul mods run facefirst into all kinds of inconveniently hard-coded features. Have a gab with modders who put out big,successful mods that intersect with what you're trying to do,here; They should be able to give you some spectacular advice.

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