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Not a Request, more of an idea


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Now I will start off by saying that I have very limited programming or 3d graphic design experience. I do however, have, a dramatic/creative writing background. I have currently mastered 33% of characters in Game of Thrones (the more important characters that already have some work done in mods released) See the Skyrim Adaptation Mod v3.


Ultimately, there is a point here where I think that this can exponentially become something big. The lore is there, the fans are there and the game lends itself quit effortlessly to ASOIAF.


I ask of you, is it possible to create an entire Black Mesa-esque mod for Skyrim. Is there people willing to do the work, who know there stuff.


It would be a great undertaking. I can make the scripts, do a lot of the voice acting. I bring that side to the table. What do you think Nexus Mod Community. Is this Doable?

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