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sprite compagon / (maybe a new race)


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this is an idea for a compagnon (normaly use by mage) but could be use with other caracter as well ! i was wondering who will take the challenge, its simple, a new concept of partner... a sprite ! i try to find the best defenition for it in english (since my first language is french) and the only one making sence was sprite...it a lil gremlins looking creature usualy use by mage in the fantasy mythology... here a basis picture of it since it the best one i'v seen so far !


- it would be 3 foot height (really important)

- his skin would be dark grey or green (but green would be confusing when fighting goblins)

- he would have the ablility to harvest ingredient around the player (when asked)

- he would have the ability to magicly create light (when asked)

- it would be nice if he could have the hat that its on the picture as i think its suit him the best !


so thats about it for me, feel free to add stuff and ability for him as you want hopefully someone will take the challenge of creating such an awsome compagnion !



dont just look at it leave a comments an opinion !

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That looks nice I'd use him for my character because ever since I can remember I've been fascinated by magic so I'm always a pure-mage



Kira is justice!


my answer to that...you need one of these... so tell your friend to come and comment on that topic and if it grow enough... someone will do it...hopefuly !

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i forgot to mention that if i request this lil living thing is to give the player the choice of what kind of creature, human, elf whatever type to follow the player in the game...since i dont like been follow with other "human" i tought this would have been nice !
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Would be neat. Just needs a damn lot of work, I presume.


I wonder how this would in a major scale differ from the millions of companions already in the game.


How about designing the nature quite bit different than common creatures (I mean, there should be some way that it fights, or avoids fighting... as in example keeping distance and turning invisible, rather than just attacking everything that even thinks of moving).


I love the idea of it harvesting by itself (would it loot the ingredients too? ... would it give them back :P ). Another thing that it maybe could be able to do maybe was alchemy (let us say that the skill of it's alchemy is determined by the tools, and to balance, it would prefer the novice tools, if it had a choice). The meaning of this alchemy -habit would be the random potions.


Or should there be an option of having it loot everything for you (for balance: running to EVERY corpse, no matter how disadvantageous)? Or maybe all of the above, as options... How much would it be able to carry? To have it being more "random", could there be possibility of enchanting stuff that it founds (like adding Light 120ft. on strike to the daedric claymore that you've just been looking for your own enchantings) :P.


I think I'm beginning to like this lil' fellow. (let us just make it bit more than just another companion that just happens to collect ingredients). Just tell me if my ideas conflicts with the original nature of the creature (after all, they're just suggestions).


[Edit:] I want it to rob lockpicks too, so it can spend them on every interesting chest that it finds... And heck, who needs any 'companion share' stuff, when you can pickpocket :D (somebody stop me, I'm going crazy soon :))

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Would be neat. Just needs a damn lot of work, I presume.


I wonder how this would in a major scale differ from the millions of companions already in the game.


How about designing the nature quite bit different than common creatures (I mean, there should be some way that it fights, or avoids fighting... as in example keeping distance and turning invisible, rather than just attacking everything that even thinks of moving).


I love the idea of it harvesting by itself (would it loot the ingredients too? ... would it give them back :P ). Another thing that it maybe could be able to do maybe was alchemy (let us say that the skill of it's alchemy is determined by the tools, and to balance, it would prefer the novice tools, if it had a choice). The meaning of this alchemy -habit would be the random potions.


Or should there be an option of having it loot everything for you (for balance: running to EVERY corpse, no matter how disadvantageous)? Or maybe all of the above, as options... How much would it be able to carry? To have it being more "random", could there be possibility of enchanting stuff that it founds (like adding Light 120ft. on strike to the daedric claymore that you've just been looking for your own enchantings) :P.


I think I'm beginning to like this lil' fellow. (let us just make it bit more than just another companion that just happens to collect ingredients). Just tell me if my ideas conflicts with the original nature of the creature (after all, they're just suggestions).


[Edit:] I want it to rob lockpicks too, so it can spend them on every interesting chest that it finds... And heck, who needs any 'companion share' stuff, when you can pickpocket :D (somebody stop me, I'm going crazy soon :))



i like the idea of yours to make him special, and not only an other simple compagnion, when i was saying he could havest, it means ingredient included on corpse too, but only ingredient from the corpse would be taken,maybe lock pick if you like, (but me im using the awsome lockpick mold mod)...so dont relly need it !, for the fighting its simple, just like you said he would just dissapear an show up after the fight is done... since that creature's nature is not to fight but help the player...( exept in fighting) confusing i know, whit the ingredient he collect he would be able to make potion of different type if we ask him to do it from a menu of potions,(feather, light, night eye,ext ext) but only if the player ask him to do some potion, this way the player could always have access to a stack of ingredient from him ! concerning the rest of his abilities what if "since the player fight alone" he would be able to give the player a bonus "since we fight for him, in a way" so he would give a boost of strength, agility, and more... well that starting to make hi amm special...dont you think !???

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im using the awsome lockpick mold mod


Lockpick mold? I prefer opening my way trough the blessing of nocturnal :)


concerning the rest of his abilities what if "since the player fight alone" he would be able to give the player a bonus "since we fight for him, in a way" so he would give a boost of strength, agility, and more... well that starting to make hi amm special...dont you think !???


Not a bad idea. How about it having few spells for healing the player a bit, and probably some weak destruction spells to randomly toss at enemies.


Now all we need is someone capable of creating this. Maybe I should look more in to the 3D modeling.

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im using the awsome lockpick mold mod


Lockpick mold? I prefer opening my way trough the blessing of nocturnal :)


concerning the rest of his abilities what if "since the player fight alone" he would be able to give the player a bonus "since we fight for him, in a way" so he would give a boost of strength, agility, and more... well that starting to make hi amm special...dont you think !???


Not a bad idea. How about it having few spells for healing the player a bit, and probably some weak destruction spells to randomly toss at enemies.



Now all we need is someone capable of creating this. Maybe I should look more in to the 3D modeling.


honestly friend, i think concerning >the healing spells and attack spells< i think my idea of bonus and only bonus would make him unique... since it would be unique to have a friend giving player bonus but "never" fight whit the player... what about a bonus of health insted ?

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honestly friend, i think concerning >the healing spells and attack spells< i think my idea of bonus and only bonus would make him unique... since it would be unique to have a friend giving player bonus but "never" fight whit the player... what about a bonus of health insted ?


Probably so, however I still believe that the enchanted items could be neat to affect the worth of the sprites aid, either as draining or fortifying, depending on what is going on with the items (if the feature of re- or decharging exists). And actually I'd be rather compelled to the idea of the sprite "poisoning" the weapon occasionally with magic effects, since that would be aid without fighting.

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honestly friend, i think concerning >the healing spells and attack spells< i think my idea of bonus and only bonus would make him unique... since it would be unique to have a friend giving player bonus but "never" fight whit the player... what about a bonus of health insted ?


Probably so, however I still believe that the enchanted items could be neat to affect the worth of the sprites aid, either as draining or fortifying, depending on what is going on with the items (if the feature of re- or decharging exists). And actually I'd be rather compelled to the idea of the sprite "poisoning" the weapon occasionally with magic effects, since that would be aid without fighting.



yeah, what about alwayz give the player the bonus he previously choose, and then the sprite adding a poison to player inventory lets say after player lost more then 80 % of health and then and other poison after 90 % lost, (since these poison would be special) 2 poison per fight "if needed" would be great... what about that idea, its a sweet mix of our idea ...

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