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UNP DC sorceress & Drow elves


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The DC sorceress mod ( & now the mod-mod retexture ) is in my opinion; one of the nicest "casual witch" outfits out there. ( minus the *cough* hat..)


I am having an issue with the clothing though; While running a female Drow elf ( from the Drow elf beta mod ) the skin texture of my lass changes to that of a default female character whenever I put on the full outfit; or the corset.


Her torso skin color completely changes! ( not her face obviously, completely separate texture file )


I have many; many clothing mods; there are even some that closely resemble the sorceress outfit from DM clothes & the like; & none of them cause the 'overwrite" of the torso skin texture on ANY female I run; Drow or Breton...


I'd have to think this is a transparancy issue? is that part of the clothing not supposed to be a clear channel? so the "underlayer" texture of whatever skin shows through? did someone "build in" the body with that corset?


I know just enough about modding to break things with the creation kit; & zero about nifscope & gimp.. Any advice?


Thanks all ! ~Jack Burton ( ME! )

Edited by Antioche
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  • 1 month later...
So... I found a fix for this :) The original mod author specified the default female skin textures in each of the DCSorc*AA entries except the thong. If you open the esp up with creation kit, you can go into each of those and set the skin texture to none, save the mod, and it'll work properly.
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