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Fallout 4 update 1.10.138 make all mod armors invisible


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Hello from Greece.


i decide to update the game, to the latest version, and this, cause many problems. First, the game crash many times with no reason. Also, all the mod armors, from companions / Passion / Laura and Jasmine / 06 follower / turn invisible. i see their head, but the body turn invisible. if i use a female character and try to craft armor from those mods, i see only the head and the pipboy.


Also i use CBBE and Eli's Armour Compendium with Better settlers mod.


Something going on, i think, with the original fallout 4 textures, cause all those problems.


if someone know what i must do, please tell me.


(i try one time -with no other textures- to use, only the laura and jasmine mod, with kshairdros, and the invisible bug continue)



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