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Learning to mod?


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It can be hard learning to mod, and if your a person like me than simply reading a long 100 page article on the inner workings of the construction set can be excruciating. So I decided to come up with a possible solution.


Rather than having several independent modders working alone to discover the secrets of the trade, why not start a sort of self-teaching class or group that can study togeather and best develop there skills.


I myself am not new to modding, I have created several mods and worked on many projects, however my skills are no where near where i would like them to be, and rather than work on my own I would rather find other people who also want to learn.


I will be creating a chatroom/website in which people can work togeather to hone there skills, or for more experienced modders to help the newer, less experienced generation of modders reach their full potential.


If you are interested than please, leave a comment below.

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Have you been to TES Alliance?


Check out the TES School - a large collection of highly informative and well written and supported tutorials for modding Skyrim (and earlier Elder Scroll titles).



TES Alliance Home page


You may very well find what you need there.


Not really looking for tutorial or notes, but rather starting a sort of "study" group for people new to modding

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I wasn't able to get the website online over the weekend because something came up, however I was able to make the Chatroom, which is a start. So If you are interested lets try to work out some times when people will be on, just so i get an idea of when we should all meet.
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