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[LE] Understanding Meshes


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I want to edit hoods for khajiits only. I don't really understand how the meshes fit, for some mods there are files specifically for khajiit, and for the base game bsa there is not. When I take the head mesh and hood meshes from the bsa and line them up in blender they don't fit. So how would they fit in game? As it is I don't know what meshes to edit.

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Be aware that khajiit and argonians share many items / meshes, so they're listed with the "_arg" suffix in the game files, not "_kha".


If that doesn't help you can look at what happens when you equip the specific hood you want to edit on a khajiit character in the game.

If only a non-hood replacement mesh (hat, tiara, etc.) or nothing at all shows up, there really is no khajiit specific mesh in the game files.

Then you'd have to use blender to edit the human hood mesh to fit the khajiit head and get them into the game via an addon esp.


If a fitting hood does show up you can find the coresponding mesh by taking a look at the item's armor data in the CK. There you'll find a list of "armor addons" linked to the item (make sure "show all" is checked) and one of them is for khajiit (and or argonians). A further look at that specific armor addon will then guide you to the mesh file you're looking for.

Edited by Pineappletree
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