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Checking an actor if they have an item


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I'm trying to get an Ai package working where an actor gets a random item, then run a different package.

Npc picks up the nearest weapon (Does not equip), then walks off. Picture an angry mob going to a weapon rack and then storming off after mud-crabs or something.

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I m using

to check if an npc carries and item.

Use it in a if statement.


Here is an example:


if NPC.GetItemCount NPCClassWarriorToken == 0     ; Checks If the npc doesnt have the token in his inventory
if NPC.GetItemCount NPCClassWarriorToken == 1              ; Checks If the npc has the token in his inventory

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If you mean any weapon at all, you could use "GetEquippedObject 16 != 0". This would check if they have a weapon actually equipped, but is not a surefire way of knowing if they are carrying an unequipped weapon.


The only 100% successful method I can think of is Inventory Ref-Walking. You will need to know how to use a ForEachstatement and study up on your inventory references ;)

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It worked like a charm. (:D)Thanks guys.


I just need to find a way to get the packages to work properly now.


I have it set up so


if GetFactionRank dummyfinditemfaction > 0 && GetFactionRank dummyfinditemfaction < 4



set pCont to Self

set invPos to 0

set invCount to pCont.GetNumItems

While invPos < invCount

set pInvObj to (pCont.GetInventoryObject invPos)


set invPos to invPos + 1




if (pInvObj.IsWeapon == 1 || pInvObj.IsArmor ==1 || pInvObj.IsAmmo == 1)

SetFactionRank dummyfinditemfaction 4






The problem is keeps doing the same package over and over, the return package never runs.

Edited by scarycave
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