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A standard "magic damage" spell that scales off all magic scho


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In my next playthrough, I was hoping to be able to play as a sylph, so I would be primarily caster-oriented. However, in such a playstyle, I also wanted a kind of "pure magic damage" spell that would be suitable as kind of "default shot" spell.


Here's some things about it that I'd want for this "Stardust" spell:


1. The spell's damage would scale with your skill in all five magic schools: Alteration, Destruction, Conjuration, Illusion, and Restoration.


2. The spell would be a lesser power, so using it doesn't improve any of your magic schools. It would have a relatively low mana cost, but no delay on repeated uses.


3. The spell would look like a fast-moving Magelight projectile, but on impacting would have a particle effect like the Sun Fire spell.


4. Dualcasting the spell would simply increase the damage.


The first of these is important. This spell is meant to be kinda like your standard "magic bolt", one that would become stronger and stronger as your skill in magic as a whole grows more and more powerful. If you had 100 in all 5 schools, the damage for it would become quite impressive, and it would only be resistable via Resist Magic effects, not via elemental resistances, making it more flexible than, say, a Firebolt.


If anyone knows how this could be pulled off, please let me know. In particular, the scripts needed for that "scale with all schools" part would be tricky to write.

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