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No After Marriage Dialogue.


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Are you using the BOSS GUI? I have always used that so I don't know about the other.


What I would do is download the BOSS GUI (Graphical User Interface) to the desktop, then just click on the icon. It opens a window and there is a checkbox "show logfile after running" or something like that. There is an option somewhere to show the file as .txt. or html--I recomment text because that is easier to cut/paste into a post (so you never have to type your mods list again).

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  • 4 weeks later...

Okay, Thank you very much!


I'm having the same problems after purchasing Dawnguard. I have almost no mods other than a couple adding transport and making days and months into our usual named ones. I tried removing all mods, starting from a fresh game, and this glitch still persists. Very irritating, I cannot marry anyone in the game. I have both Dawnguard and Hearthfire and that's the only thing in my game. I am using the SKSE loader though to run a mod to give me more perk points.

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  • 4 years later...

Have either of you guys figured this out? I know this is years late but jesus this is frustrating I'm trying to marry a follwer from the mod "Jade The LoreBreaker" and Everything goes smoothly until after the ceramony, she walks out and goes to the inn in whiterun where I first met her, and I cannot interact with her whatsoever

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