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Lack of Airship Functionality, and other issues.


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I have recently started playing skyrim for hte pc and installed several mods. I've installed Skse, as per instructed. But the AIr Ship, the Dev Aveza is not working. The captains cabin is inacessable, and the ship will not move. I cannot dismount the ship, and thusly die on reload of game, or on fasttravel.


The Mods Jaysus Swords, and Immersive armors have been giving me problems.


I attempted to download both with the Mod manager, but it failed at 99% for the Immersive, and 97% for the swords. I tried Downloading the armors manually, but the mod manager will not accept it as a mod.


After Downloading Jaysus swords manually the Mod manager accepted it, and activated appropriately.


I have reinstalled SKSE, but the ship is still without any function at all. Assistance would be most kind.

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