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Fortify Restoration loop fix?


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I believe everyone should know about this exploit, surprisingly i did not see anyone trying to fix the game-breaking glitch

I consider this glitch more of a BUG...

judging from previous experience in Morrowind, Bethesda will probably never fix this. I did not see such a fix in unofficial patch

Well, maybe we can depend on our self-discipline to not to use this exploit, but it has become something that bugs me.

I'm rather new to modding, so anyone can teach me some ideas to fix this using CK?

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I'll assume that you mean that you can use fortify restoration potions to create more powerful potions, basically like a fortify alchemy potion? I actually didn't know about that myself until someone mentioned it a few days ago, because I've never really been interested... However, it's neither a glitch nor a bug, it's how it's supposed to work. There's no 'fix' in USKP because it's not broken. At least they made it more subtle than the Fortify Alchemy potions in the earlier games.


However again, though, I'm going to look in the CK. I'll either have this fixed in ten minutes or I'll be able to tell you I have no idea how to do it. :P

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And now I realize you were asking for pointers how to do it yourself, but I've done it anyway: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/25043 If you still want the pointers, I searched "fortifyrestoration", under *All, and then edited all of the magic effects found to use the Alteration skill instead of Restoration.
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