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changing the position of the quiver


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is it even possible to change the position of the quiver from the back to the right side of the leg? i know i would have to work on the skeleton and on the animations and also work with scripting wich is something i've never done before, but i' going to release my ranger armor soon and a lot of people asked for this modification, so i think that it is something worth spending some time on......what do you think guys?


oh btw here is my armor in a screenshot by the great kaldaar


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Looks great,


I wish I could answer your inquiry. If it were me I'd just attach it to the leg in Nif and call it good. But then I'm only just getting started with Nifskope and that's been enough for me right now.

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I think the position of a quiver can be changed with a skeleton...

But I bet you could just open the Nif file for the quiver itself and position it where the leg would be and mybe just copy paste the X Y Z cords into another instance of Nifscope that just has the quiver nothing else loaded.


Only thing I could think of that might happen is the quiver not moving with the leg as intended but luckily you could just test one say the Steel Arrows real quick.

Of course even if it works like intended the toon would still pull arrows from his back...

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