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Sneak Tools (Reset player state)


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A mod called Sneak Tools incorporates a bunch of different sneaking hi jinks, unfortunately including the plague on my current game - Rope arrows. These rope arrows spawn a rope that you activate repeatedly to climb up. In this climbing mode it forces you into first person, and disables any sort of weapon usage. My problem is that after getting off one of these ropes I never left the mode. Because you can still activate, use menu, and play in first person I ran well through my autosaves before realizing. Disabling the mod didn't fix it, deleting the mod entirely didn't fix it, and various tinkering with in-game stuff hasn't yielded any positive results. The main kicker here is that my only saves before the incident are 3 hours of content ago.


I'm hoping someone can help me out with a camera reset command or something that might jolt my game back to normal. Any ideas will be much appreciated.

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