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[LE] Function to stop a spell cast


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I have a spell that uses something other than magicka to work. So I need to add a function that makes the spell fail If I don't have enough of the certain object. This is what I have so far and I'm using steel ingots as an example.

I tried InterruptCast() but it did nothing. It removes the steel ingot and it sends the dubug notification, but it doesn't stop the cast when I have no steel.

Scriptname Remove_SteelIngot_script extends ActiveMagicEffect 

Actor Property PlayerRef Auto

MiscObject Property SteelRef Auto

Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
      If (PlayerRef == akCaster)
	    If akCaster.GetItemCount(SteelRef) < 1
		   Debug.Notification("You have no steel!")
		ElseIf akCaster.GetItemCount(SteelRef) >= 1
               akCaster.RemoveItem(SteelRef, 1)
Edited by Quibblonian101
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