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Mismatch faces


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my orcs and redguards faces do not match they're bodies... their faces r lighter... almost a grey color and i have uninstalled all the mods that messed with faces and bodies etc... and still the same... anyone know what i can do to get their faces back normal again????.... i mean its a big difference u can tell big time that the faces do not match the rest of their bodies.... the mods that i have installed is (women- CBBE original file then the alternitive nude texture which u over write the original file with... then better females by bella) and for men i have better males and high res face maps by genonox) but like i said i uninstalled all of them and its there is still no change to my npcs faces at all
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found a fix for this kind of...as you find an npc that has a mismatched face do the following:


press ~ to enter console

click on npc

type setnpcweight x and press enter (x is a number between 0-100 and you should play around with it to make sure you don't make a drastic change in their original size unless you don't care about that)


voila, face matches!


Edit: this only works until you exit the game, you have to do it all over again every time you play. So if anybody finds a fix, please post it!

Edited by rowynyew
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