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graphics mods not working


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This probably isn't the cause of your problem, but there's a line in Morrowind.ini that can disable "replacer" mods, TryArchiveFirst. Default is 0, which means to use either the files in the .bsas or the loose data files, whichever have a later last modified date. If set to 1, Morrowind will only use the files in the .bsas and mods like texture replacers will be disabled.


Now that I think of it I remember that the Steam version has an issue where the .bsas are incorrectly dated so they'll often take precedence over texture replacers. Morrowind Code Patch fixes that issue.


I'm not familiar with Vortex though.

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This probably isn't the cause of your problem, but there's a line in Morrowind.ini that can disable "replacer" mods, TryArchiveFirst. Default is 0, which means to use either the files in the .bsas or the loose data files, whichever have a later last modified date. If set to 1, Morrowind will only use the files in the .bsas and mods like texture replacers will be disabled.


Now that I think of it I remember that the Steam version has an issue where the .bsas are incorrectly dated so they'll often take precedence over texture replacers. Morrowind Code Patch fixes that issue.


I'm not familiar with Vortex though.


Vortex is Nexus' new managing system for mods. Before they used NMM, now they are developing Vortex. And yes I am using the steam version

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