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Skyrim SE CTD after Windows update today


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I was just playing yesterday evening and everything was fine. Regular launcher worked. SKSE64 launcher worked. Mods or no mods, it was fine.

After the Windows 10 updates installed today, neither works and my Skyrim SE will 100% CTD after 2-5 seconds of watching the little spinny loading thing at bottom right hand corner of the screen.

I use Mod Organizer 2 to launch the game.

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It's just so weird that for almost a year I've had no issues changing from various SKSE64 versions, or other Windows versions, but the past 2 updates have given me fits and I have absolutely no clue how to fix it since it isn't a mod related conflict. Not sure what .txt file to look for in order to see what might be causing this instant CTD once I get to main menu. I've also allowed SKSE64 launcher and all Skyrim SE .exe files through firewall as that was suggested elsewhere, but that also hasn't done anything for me.

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hmm... I run under Windows 10 pro current ver 1809 build 17763.737


however, it *did just update so... let's see if the game boots.........


nope boots fine


sorry can't help you there


one thing I did notice, when I first booted up, steam updated, so you might want to check that.

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Ok...let's try this... (kinda the limit of my guesses)


How are you launching the game? Are you using a button in Vortex or firing SKSE64_loader directly using a shortcut? (that's how I do it...didn't know any better when I first started playing last spring)


I've read a few posts over the past few months from people who've had issues with the vortex launcher after this or that update and needing some sort of refresh/update (not sure about the details since it didn't really apply to my situation)



hmm...I had to look to make sure but I see you already said "I use Mod Organizer 2 to launch the game."


Try creating a shortcut to the SKSE64_loader.exe and fire up the game from there.

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Are you saying to create a shortcut and then run that through Mod Organizer 2?

If I run SKSE64 through MO2 it crashes 100% of the time. Doesn't matter if I run default Skyrim SE launcher, SKSE64 launcher, or a shortcut of the SKSE64 launcher.

If I run regular Skyrim SE launcher or the SKSE64 loader without it being through MO2, it will load the menu fine without the CTD at main menu. However, then it's just vanilla Skyrim and even if I enable mods, they won't be applied since it wasn't launched through MO2.

So perhaps it's something with MO2? Not sure what could be the issue, especially since it worked just fine 2 days ago. MO2 is at its most current version as well.

Edited by Wishkeeper
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