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Rampant CTD, possible corruption?


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This may help.


Infinite load screen could indicate a corrupted file.


If you are having issues with corrupted saves and/or CTD because corrupted saves.


You can check for a corrupted file and possibly fixing it by use ReSave. ReSave is on the Nexus, a must have app.


Another indication if the file size if it is smaller than your other hard saves. Not auto saves or quick saves they are always bigger than hard saves


Check the flies with ReSave and delete all corrupted files. Note: make sure you close and open ReSave before each file checked. It appears that if a file is loaded everything else it checks says they are corrupted even when not.


Delete or move to another folder all saves except the last few uncorrupted saves.


(If needed) Clean save with ReSave, Save as; Cleaned### (### is the save number)


1. Open the last good save or the one just cleaned.


2. Once in Game load the same save again.


3. Once again back in game, Save.


4. Go to 3rd Person.


5. Open Console; Select your character and type kill.


6. Once back in game save and continue playing.


Why this works I have no idea. I found all of this online and I combined several of them into this little procedure. I have been using this procedure for several weeks and it has been working great for me. I have been testing mods a lot the last several months and have corrupted the game saves at times, to a point, that I would have to start a new game every two or three weeks. On top of testing mods to see if I liked them or not I wanted to see how many I could install before the game hard crashed. Right now I’m hovering around 600, and my save just short of 60mb and at level 22. The procedures described above have kept me from having to start the game over; so far, it’s been about five weeks, so far.


Other Discoveries/Tips:

When leaving the new Virtual Workshop my camera view got stuck above my char, couldn’t move. To fix I found by typing tfc in console, which I could still use, then aim my weapon, I would be back to normal. I could not duplicate the bug at all after that time. It seamed that leaving the pod put me in some kind of Partial Free Cam and when I typed in tfc it place my view looking up from the floor at my character and I could still move the character but once I aimed my gun I went back to normal first person. Just weird or Bethesda being Bethesda.


Low fps, first try restarting or shutdown the computer and then restart the game. If you are using F4SE start steam first (if you are using it) before you start the game.

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